Atlas Certificate Program
Atlas Certificate Program Overview
A holistic approach to self-discovery and professional self-presentation, Atlas supports student development through:
- A team-based advising approach for first-year students utilizing ePortfolios in which students begin to develop their personal four-year plans with help from professional academic advisors, first-year mentors, peer mentors, and faculty advisors in academic departments
- Elective courses scaffolded for each phase of student development
- Documentation of curricular and co-curricular learning, including Study Abroad, Internship and Service Learning, with an eye towards creating professional portfolios
Working in small seminar groups under the guidance of dedicated instructors, students utilize the wide range of resources at the College, including the Center for Career Development, the Sister Mary T. Clark, RSCJ Center for Religion and Social Justice, student peer mentors, and a network of alumni volunteers, to explore fields in which they might major or minor and professions they may wish to pursue. Designed to build developmentally as students gain direction and focus, Atlas allows students to either pursue the entire program or to enroll in only those elements that seem most appropriate to their needs.
Courses in the Atlas program include:
Passport – a first-year transitions course in which students acquaint themselves with the history
and mission of the College, examine their strengths and weaknesses, identify resources
to support their success and consider various courses of study
Pathfinder – a course designed for sophomores to support them in career exploration and decision-making about their choices of major
Compass – an opportunity for juniors, in a small, seminar setting, to deepen their understanding of the skills and characteristics employers seek and to examine their own experiences, curricular and co-curricular, to highlight experiences that will show their leadership, teamwork, creativity, civic engagement, ethical decision making, and ability to communicate with people of diverse backgrounds
Pursuit – this class for seniors focuses on professional presentation of skills and accomplishments as well as ways to utilize their ePortfolios in the job search process
Required modules for Study Abroad and Service Learning.
Here are some quotes from the past course evaluations (Spring 2017 Passport A and B). Evaluations are usually anonymous.
"PERFECT CLASS! It helps you learn about yourself and reflect to become a better person. It also helps you become familiar with the school and its resources. Our professor has opened up to us so much and is always there for us when we need help. She is a great resource and so was the material learned."
"Amazing!! I think this is a class that everyone should take their freshman year. I feel like I learned a lot about myself this semester and it really started to prepare me for my future."
"This course really helps students with knowledge from the ‘outside world’ and helps them realize the importance of the little things that make you such a big person."
“If it wasn't for ATLAS Passport, I would have no idea what I'm doing in college. Because of this class I have an idea about my future, grad school, clubs, events, etc. Professor McDermott was the kindest and most caring professor. She made sure we all understood each assignment and would allow us extra help if it was needed. She also freed up her time and put in extra hours for us to go speak to her and ask her any questions that we had. The course was not only informative, but it was also fun. It starts off as just another class but it ends up becoming one big family. Amazing!!”
“The class is all about yourself and helping you grow as a person, so at the same time it's a fun class.”
“I would recommend this class to other people because it gives good tips on choosing a major and a career.”
“This course really helps freshmen in their transition from high school to college.”
“This course engages you to become a more active member of society, both on campus and in your local community. You learn about opportunities you otherwise may not encounter outside this course.”
“The class is fun, creative and helpful to make a transition from high school to college.”
“This class is very informative, especially for a freshman. I think it should be a required course for freshman due to everything that I learned about Manhattanville and how to become involved.”
“This is a great course to fulfill a general education requirement and get to know yourself. This professor does a great job at getting you involved with the community.”
“First, Professor Hannum goes above and beyond for all of her students! I have never met someone more kindhearted! Additionally, the reflections from ATLAS and the course overall was so transferable to the real world; I was asked a question in a job interview that directly related to one of our assignments. Had I not taken this course, I would have had no idea how to answer "how has a liberal arts education shaped you" and I credit the job offer I received in part to this! I would recommend this be a REQUIREMENT for Comm students!"
"This has been an incredibly helpful class in encouraging me to reflect on my four years at Manhattanville. The final product (a Professional E-Portfolio) is entirely relevant to life after college."
"No suggestions – I thought this was an AMAZING class."
"Simply getting in contact with an alumni who entered the career field that you're interested in is more than enough for a recommendation."
"This course is as practical as one can get when it comes to preparing for life after college. I highly recommend it to anyone, anywhere, of any major and walk of life. If you take advantage of the class's opportunities to learn more about yourself, practice presentations, and create a portfolio you can take with you for LIFE, then you automatically have an edge in your desired industry."
"I would have liked to have more time to prepare my professional portfolio. I felt a bit rushed (this could also be due to the fact that I am a very busy student). Also, I would have liked more of a connection between the class and final e-Portfolios...a lot of what ended up on my final, I wrote from scratch."
"Great class to help you make connections."
"Instructor did a great job teaching this course."
“The Atlas program provides students with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to dive into
deep self-reflection and prepare them for life after graduation. So far, I have learned
a tremendous amount about myself, pairing my unique skills and personal qualities
to realistic career options. If you ask me, this is the reason one goes to college!”
— Samantha Biegel, Manhattanville University class of 2018
"ePortfolio helped me organize my memories from my study abroad experience. Because
of what I wrote online there, I can look back and read some of the adventures I had,
that I otherwise might have forgotten!"
— Aliyah Oestreicher, May 2018
“The ATLAS course I took helped enrich my experience abroad immensely. It gave me
a platform to reflect on my time in London and provided me with a space to share my
thoughts, experiences, and growth as a Valiant. I think everyone should try to take
the course during their time at Manhattanville because they will not regret it.”
— Nicole Van Der Linde, Senior
Contact Us
School of Arts and Sciences
Lisa M. Rafanelli, PhD
Program Director