Office of the Dean of Students

Dean of Students

Office of the Dean of Students

The Dean of Students serves as a support for students and is responsible for overall coordination for the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, Residence Life, and the coordination of the Student Code of Conduct. The Dean of Students is available to respond to all aspects of students' life at Manhattanville and welcomes the opportunity to assist students in finding success.


  • To engage students in creating a welcoming and fun environment while helping students to find their own voice. 
  • To provide students with programs and services that support student success and development.
  • To coordinate processes that uphold the values of respect for others' integrity and excellence.
  • To motivate students to take responsibility for their behaviors and educate them on their ethical decision-making.




Additional Resources and Information


Manhattanville University provides housing accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended in 2008, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1978, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 to ensure equal access to programs, activities, and facilities.

Every student who wishes to receive accommodations must first disclose an accessibility barrier or impairment to the Center for Student Accessibility and provide documentation. The documentation should include information on the student's disability, barriers, accommodation recommendations and what accommodations have been received in the past. This documentation is kept confidential. Appropriate accommodations are determined between the Center for Student Accessibility and the staff through an interactive process. While the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that consideration be given to the specific methods requested by the student, it does not imply that a particular accommodation must be granted if it is deemed not reasonable, or if other options are available.

Students wishing to apply for placement in a single-person dwelling, hereinafter referred to as a “medical single”, must complete a request on the Accommodations tab of the Student Health Portal. The request will be reviewed by the Center for Student Accessibility.

Students wishing to apply to have a support animal or air conditioning unit in their housing assignment must complete a request on the Accommodations tab of the Student Health Portal. The request will be reviewed by the Center for Student Accessibility.

Students wishing to waive their meal should contact Kelly Pearson, Campus Registered Dietician at before requesting a meal plan waiver. If they still wish to waive the meal plan, they must complete a request on the Accommodations tab of the Student Health Portal. The request will be reviewed by the Center for Student Accessibility.

Students who have their Manhattanville University Medical Housing Application approved will receive a medical single which is assigned by the Office of Residence Life. This housing assignment is non-negotiable and is not eligible to be used in a room change process. Students who opt out of their assigned medical single will forfeit their right to another medical single for that academic year. Students who have their Manhattanville University Medical Housing Application denied will keep their assigned shared dwelling and will need to take part in the University room selection process, as appropriate.

Students who have their Manhattanville University Support Animal Application approved will register their animal with appropriate staff offices, discuss the animal with any applicable roommates, and move their animal into their housing assignment. Students who have their Manhattanville University Support Animal Application denied will not be permitted to have a support animal in their housing assignment and will be directed to the ‘pets’ section of the Student Handbook for further details and animals that are permitted in the residence halls.

Students who have their Manhattanville University Air Conditioning Unit Application approved, will be permitted to supply their own air conditioning unit of up to 6,000 BTU and no larger. The student must install the unit themselves and then schedule an appointment with a member of the University Facilities department to have the installation checked and approved for safety. Students who have their Manhattanville University Air Conditioning Unit Application denied will not be permitted to install an air conditioning unit and will be directed to the ‘fire hazards & electrical safety’ section of the Student Handbook for further details.

Students who have their Manhattanville University Meal Plan Waiver Application approved, will have their meal plan charges canceled and removed from their student account. Students who have their Manhattanville University Meal Plan Waiver Application denied will remain on the University meal plan and will be directed to the Office of Student Accounts to ensure proper payments have been received.

Medical Meal Plan Waiver: Policy and Application

This policy establishes the guidelines and process for students requesting a waiver from the mandatory University meal plan.  This policy applies to all undergraduate residential students.

Waivers will not generally be granted for the following:

  • Financial hardship
  • Class, sports, or employment schedules
  • Religious reasons
  • Vegetarian/vegan/organic diets
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Gluten free diets
  • Common food allergies
  • Food preferences, likes or dislikes

Students with food allergies or specific requirements should contact Kelly Pearson, Campus Registered Dietician at before requesting a meal plan waiver. In rare cases, a student may have medical or dietary requirements that cannot be accommodated by Dining Services. In such cases, students may request to be waived from the meal plan. Dining Services is committed to assisting students with food allergy needs and is a member of the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network's (FAAN's) College Network. 

Students requesting a waiver from a meal plan must do so on the Accommodations tab of the Student Health Portal and must provide documentation from a physician. The request will be reviewed by the Center for Student Accessibility and shared with dining services and residential life.

Supporting documentation from the physician should be on letterhead, dated, signed and include the following information:

  • A current statement of the diagnosis and date of onset.
  • Detailed information of all the medical or dietary restrictions.
  • An explanation on why the Dining Services cannot meet the students’ medical or dietary restrictions.
  • The alternative plan recommended for the student and how the student will eat throughout the year.
  • An estimate of the length of time that this treatment will be necessary.

For information regarding billing or refunds, please contact Student Accounts at 914.323.5266.

For additional information regarding the Medical Meal Plan Waiver, please contact the the Center for Student Accessibility 914.323.7127.


Concern, Assess, Refer, Educate

The CARE Team works in collaboration with all constituencies of the University in order to identify students of concern and cultivate early intervention support plans. CARE is not a resource for addressing challenges pertaining to classroom management.

The Mission of the Manhattanville CARE Team is to support the health, well-being and safety of the Manhattanville University campus community, by coordinating information and developing support plans for students of concern.

The purpose of the Manhattanville CARE Team is to coordinate existing campus resources, which are focused upon the prevention and early intervention for students experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. The Manhattanville CARE Team will develop intervention and support strategies and offer case coordination. Team members will regularly review and assess these situations and recommend actions in accord with existing university policies.

For more information on how to navigate disruptive behavior, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct.

CARE Team Members:

  • Susan Boyd — Dean of Students 914.323.5217
  • Melissa Boston, Psychologist — Dean of Student Health and Wellbeing, 914.798.2734
  • Daniella DiClerico — FNP, Associate Director, Health Center Student Health and Counseling, 914.323.5245
  • Joseph  Gaines— Director, Center for Student Accessibility 914.323.7129
  • Samantha Contrini — Director of Residence Life 914.323.5217
  • Anthony Herrmann — Director of Campus Safety 914.323.5406

Click HERE for a brief presentation about the CARE team.

Generally, students should contact their academic deans for academic issues:

Dean of Arts and Sciences, Rebecca Lafleur 
(Undergraduate Academic Concerns)

Dean of School of Education, Brian Carolan

Dean of School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Debra Simons

We have a number of services for families to get connected and engaged with the Manhattanville University community.

Prospective and current student families and supporters will find the resources and information they need to explore and connect with Manhattanville.

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Quick Links and References

Please use the following links to assist you in navigating the incident reporting process. If you need further information or assistance, feel free to contact us at any time.

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