Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee Guidelines
Tuition Appeal Guidelines
All tuition appeal forms must be submitted with a typed student explanation of the extenuating circumstances and must be accompanied by copies of verifiable documentation showing your inability to attend. Appeals that do not give an explanation of the inability to attend the term in question will be denied. Appeals written “on behalf of” the student will not be accepted. The University considers all decisions made by the Bursar Appeal Committee final.
*Please note the Bursar Tuition Appeal only applies to tuition charges.*
Student illness: A note from your physician or medical provider on their letterhead indicating the dates you were unable to attend class. The note must be signed by your physician or medical provider. The medical condition does not need to be disclosed to the committee. Excuse slips, copies of invoices, appointment confirmations, statements of insurance payments, etc. are not acceptable documentation.
Illness of immediate family member (parent, child, spouse, sibling or grandparent): A note from your family member’s physician or medical provider on their letterhead indicating the dates of illness. The note must be signed by the physician or medical provider. The medical condition does not need to be disclosed to the committee.
Death of immediate family member (parent, child, spouse, sibling or grandparent): Submit a death certificate, obituary or death notice. Documents must clearly indicate the relationship of the deceased to the student.
Military deployment: A copy of the official deployment/reactivation notice. Deployment and reactivation dates must be within the semester you are appealing.
Change in employment beyond the student’s control that prevents the student from attending the classes for which he/she is registered: A letter from your employer on company letterhead indicating the the reason and date of the change in work schedule.
Verifiable error: Provide a detailed account of the error and relevant documents.
Please follow the steps below for filing a tuition appeal:
Be sure to review all the tuition appeal guidelines then complete the tuition appeal
form and obtain all supporting documentation as set forth in the tuition appeal guidelines.
If a grant, scholarship and/or loan funds were paid on your behalf for the semester
in which you are appealing, see the Financial Aid office to go over the impact an
approved appeal will have on your financial aid eligibility.
Submit the completed Tuition Appeal Form and supporting documentation to:
Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee
Student Accounts
Manhattanville University
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase NY 10577
or fax to 914.323.5384
Once the Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee has reached a decision, the student will be sent an email within one-week of the meeting date stating the decision and action to be taken next by the college or the student.
If the tuition appeal is “approved”, the student’s tuition account will be adjusted accordingly.
If the tuition appeal is "approved with conditions”, the letter will outline which conditions the student needs to meet before the approval is processed.
If the Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee approves a credit, it will be available for up to a year from the semester that the appeal was submitted.
If the tuition appeal is “pending additional documentation”, the committee is requesting additional documentation in order to make a final decision. The student will have 30 days to submit the additional documentation or the appeal will be denied.
If the tuition appeal is “denied”, the student can request for the tuition appeal to be reconsidered by the committee if the student can supply additional documentation to support the circumstances.
Please note: Courses for which a tuition appeal are approved will not be dropped or withdrawn from your academic transcript. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from courses within the specified deadline. This committee deals with adjustments to tuition only.
Contact Us
Office of Student Accounts
Reid Castle, 3rd Floor
Hours of Operation
9 AM - 5 PM