Writing students at Barat House workshop

Writers' Hub Workshops

Manhattanville Writers’ Hub Fall Workshops 

The Writers’ Hub at Manhattanville University is a literary home for the local Westchester County and Hudson Valley community.

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Upcoming Workshops

Laura Toffler headshot
Laura Toffler, Ph.D.

Chapters are the building blocks of the novel and are designed to move the story forward. This workshop will explore ways to create chapter arcs and provide authors with the inspiration and techniques to enliven their work through a balance of plot, character development, story tension and dialogue. 

Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 
Barat House, Manhattanville University 

Registration Fee: $50. FREE for current Manhattanville MFA students

Register here!


Fall Workshop Schedule

group of students at table with professor

Building a Narrative Arc with Scenes
Amanda Parrish Morgan
February 8
How to Create Compelling Chapters
Laura Toffler
March 29

What a Literary Agent Really Wants Authors to Know
Gail Fortune
April 5

All workshops take place starting at 10:00 a.m. in Barat House

$50 registration fee
Free to Manhattanville MFA students

Register for workshops here!


Manhattanville MFA Events


Contact Us

  • Iain Haley Pollock, Director MFA Program Manhattanville University



    Barat House, 2