David Gutman

Director of Interdisciplinary Studies
David Gutman


Brownson , 210

Professor David Gutman joined the Manhattanville faculty in 2012 after completing his Ph.D. at Binghamton University (SUNY). He teaches classes on a wide range of subjects including the history of the modern Middle East, migration and borders, genocide, modern China, and modern Russia. He has published numerous articles and reviews on topics including the politics of migration and mobility control, Ottoman Armenians at the end of empire, and genocide and mass violence. He is the author of The Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915: Migrants, Smugglers and Dubious Citizens (Edinburgh University Press 2019), and is managing editor of the Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association.

MA, PhD, Binghamton University
B.A, University of Minnesota
Travel Documents, Mobility Control, and the Ottoman State in an Age of Global Migration, 1880-1915.”

Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 
Author, Article, November 01, 2016

The Political Economy of Armenian Migration from the Harput Region to North America in the Hamidian Era, 1885-1908.

Ali Sipahi et al. eds., The Ottoman East in the Nineteenth Century: Societies, Identities and Politics. 
Author, Article, January 01, 2016

Migrants, Revolutionaries, and Spies: Surveillance, Politics, and Ottoman Identity in the United States”

Kent Schull and Christine Isom-Verhaaren eds., Living in the Ottoman Realm: Sultans, Subjects, and Elites. 
Author, Chapter