Victoria Fantozzi

Dr. Victoria Fantozzi is a professor of childhood and early childhood education. Prior to joining the faculty at Manhattanville University in 2012, she was an assistant professor at William Paterson University in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education. She has experience teaching a variety of grade levels including kindergarten, first grade, and fourth and fifth grade. Dr. Fantozzi researches early digital literacies, curriculum history, and teacher education. She has published in international journals such as Educational Researcher, Young Children, and the Reading Teacher. She contributed to the revision of NAEYC's Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Early Childhood Programs 4th edition, and NAEYC published her book Digital Tools for Learning, Thinking and Creating: Developmentally Appropriate Strategies for Early Childhood Educators in 2022.
Early Digital Literacies
Fantozzi, V. B. (2022). Digital Tools for Learning, Creating, and Thinking: Developmentally Appropriate Strategies for Early Childhood Educators. Washington D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Fantozzi, V.B. (2022). Technology guidelines support preschool creativity. Teaching Young Children 15(2).10-12.
Fantozzi, V.B. (2021). ‘It’s everyone’s iPad’: Tablet use in a play-based classroom. The Journal of Early Childhood Research. 19(2), 115-127.
Fantozzi, V. B. (2021). Teaching during a pandemic: Using video conferencing with young children. Teaching Young Children 14(2).28-29.
Fantozzi, V., Johnson, C. & Scherfen, A. (2018). One classroom, one iPad, many stories. The Reading Teacher, 71(6), 681-689.
Fantozzi, V., Johnson, C., & Scherfen, A. (2018). Technology and play: An important intersection for 21st century literacies. Young Children, 73(2), 88-93.
Fantozzi, V., Cottino, E. & Gennarelli, C. (2013). Mapping their place: preschoolers explore space, place and literacy through creating a three-dimensional map. Social Studies and the Young Learner 26(1), 5-10.
Fantozzi, V.B. (2012). Studying Elephant Seals in New Jersey: Preschoolers Connect to Other Worlds Using Technology. Young Children 67(3), 42-49.**Selected for republication in Spotlight on Young Children and Technology.(2012). Eds. Amy Shillady and Leah Schoenberg Muccio. National Association for the Education of Young Children: Washington D.C.
Teacher Education
Fantozzi, V.B. & Cunningham, K. (2018). Countering the peter effect: Blogging and talking about children’s literature in teacher education classes. Journal of Literacy Innovation 3(2), 16-130. **selected as Journal of Literacy Innovation Article of the Year **
Davis, J. S. & Fantozzi, V. B. (2017). As the moments unfold: Developing dispositions in student teacher-mentor teacher relationships. In C. L. Crawford and S. M. Hardy (Eds.), Teacher to Teacher Mentality: Purposeful Practice in Teacher Education. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Davis, J. S., & Fantozzi, V. B. (2016). What do student teachers want in mentor teachers? Desired, expected, possible, and emerging roles. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 24(3), 250-266.
Fantozzi, V. B. (2013). “Oh god, she is looking at every little thing I am doing!” Student teachers’ constructions of the observation experience. Current Issues in Education, 16(1), 1-12.
Fantozzi, V. B. (2012). Making Meaning in Student Teaching. Action in Teacher Education, 34(2), 146-158.
Fantozzi, V. B. (2012). Divergent Purposes: A Case Study of a History Education Course Co-taught by a Historian and Social Studies Education Expert. The History Teacher 45 (2), 241-259.
Curriculum History
Fallace T. & Fantozzi, V. (2017)). The Dewey School as triumph, tragedy, and misunderstood: Exploring the myths and historiography of the University of Chicago Laboratory School. Teachers College Record, 119(2), 1-32.
Fallace, T. & Fantozzi, V. B. (2015). A century of John and Evelyn Dewey’s schools of to-morrow: Rousseau, recorded knowledge, and race in the philosopher’s most problematic text. Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association 51(2), 129-152, DOI: 10.1080/00131946.2015.1015352
Fallace, T. & Fantozzi, V. (2013). Was there really a social efficiency doctrine?: The uses and abuses of an idea in educational history. Educational Researcher 42(3), 142-150. DOI: 10.3102/0013189X13484509