Campus Visitation Policy

Campus Visitation Policy

Manhattanville students are welcome to host guests and/or visitors on campus. To ensure the safety of all community members and property, students and their guests and/or visitors must comply with the following policies:

Host: A host is defined as astudent who takes responsibility for the actions of their guest(s) and/or visitor(s). A host must remain with their guest or visitor at all times until they depart the campus.

Guest: A guest is defined as residential student who visits a residential student in a residence hall other than their assigned building. Residents of that building are expected to host such a guest, which means meeting the guest at a building entrance and escorting the guest at all times. Guests (defined as residential students) do not need to be registered as a visitor. Note that non-residential students may not register guests to visit residential facilities.

Visitor: A visitor is defined as:

  • non-Manhattanville person or a commuter student of Manhattanville University who is visiting a student in one of the residence halls or
  • a non-Manhattanville person being hosted by a commuter student on campus. Only residential students can host visitors in the residence halls.

To ensure the security of the residence halls, only students assigned to a specific residence hall have 24-hour access to that building.

All other Manhattanville students are welcome in the halls and may access the halls with their Manhattanville ID card from 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Friday.

Anyone who wishes to enter a residence hall, between 8:00pm and 8:00am Monday-Friday and 24 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, will be treated as visitor and must follow the Guest and Visitation policies outlined below.

Non-Manhattanville Students

Non-Manhattanville persons must obtain a Visitor Pass from Campus Safety. A Visitor Pass can be obtained by following the steps below:

  • Pre-register with the Visitor Registration System using this link:Visitor Registration System. Visitors should complete all of the required information in the form. This step only has to be completed the first time an individual comes to campus. Once completed, the visitor will receive an email to verify the registration.
  • Go to Campus Safety to obtain the Visitor Pass. Visitors and their host are required to go to Campus Safety, located in the lobby of Spellman Hall. The Visitor must have a photo ID and the host must present their Manhattanville ID.


Commuter Students

Commuter Students must obtain a Visitor Pass from Campus Safety. A Visitor Pass can be obtained by following the steps below:

Pre-register with the Visitor Registration System by logging into the Manhattanville University MyHousing Portal using Manhattanville login credentials and password. In order to receive a Visitor Pass, students must provide a mobile phone number and carrier. NOTE: This step only has to be completed the first time a commuter student wishes come to campus. This can be done by:

  1. Logging in
  2. Selecting My Info from the menu
  3. Selecting My Info.
  4. Once completed, the commuter student will receive an email to verify the registration.

To obtain your Visitor Pass, the commuter student and their host are required to go to Campus Safety, located in the lobby of Spellman Hall, to show their Manhattanville ID’s and obtain the Visitor Pass.

A Visitor Pass can be obtained anytime M-F, 24 hours a day.


Visitors, both non-Manhattanville persons and commuter students, are expected to have access to their pass (a printed copy or an electronic copy on a mobile device) at all times and be prepared to present the pass, along with photo identification, at the request of any University official. Any individual who does not have the appropriate visitor pass will be removed from the residence halls, and possibly Manhattanville University property, immediately. Students who host unregistered visitors are in violation of this policy and will be held accountable through the University’s conduct process.

In order to be hosted by a residential student, all guests and visitors must be:

  • At least 18 years old, unless a sponsored visitor of the University.

  • Escorted by their host at all times, while in the residence halls or on Manhattanville University property.

  • Aware of and adhere to the Manhattanville Code of Conduct, as well as the Roommate Agreement established by the occupants of the unit (when visiting a residential student). Guests/visitors will be held accountable for their behavior and may be asked to leave the campus or the residential facilities at any time.

  • Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19. An individual is fully vaccinated two weeks after their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Guests/Visitors who cause a disruption or are in any way not compliant with this policy may be asked to vacate the residence hall(s) or permanently banned from Manhattanville University property, and subject to arrest for trespassing should they return.

  • When hosting guests/visitors, students must:
  • Gain prior consent from all roommates/suitemates. Hosts must be courteous of others who live in their residential unit when hosting visitors; thus, hosts must be sensitive to their roommates’/suitemates’ primary rights to sleep, study, and privacy. Unresolved visitation issues among residents may result in the loss of privileges for all occupants of the residential unit.
  • Escort their guests/visitors at all times. This means hosts must meet individuals at a building entrance and then escort the guest/visitor at all times; thus, a host may not leave a guest/visitor unattended in their residential unit.
  • Understand that they are responsible for the behavior of their guests/visitors and will be held accountable for any disturbance and/or damage their guests/visitors may cause, if found responsible through the conduct process.
  • A host may register as many as two visitors at a time.
  • Visitors may stay overnight for as many as two consecutive nights in any seven-day period (three nights if a holiday weekend).
  • Visitors cannot be registered with consecutive hosts, even if different, as a means of living in the Residence Halls.
  • Cohabitation is defined as staying in a room for more than two consecutive nights in a seven-day period, or more than four nights in a 30-day period. Individuals found to be cohabitating in a residence hall will be removed immediately and may be permanently banned from college property.
  • Any student who hosts an unregistered guest/visitor in their residential unit and allows that individual to take residence with them may immediately forfeit housing privileges and may not be allowed in any residence hall space above the ground floor.

With the exception of single rooms, which can have three occupants, the maximum number of people permitted to occupy any residential until maynot exceed twice the number of residents of that living unit at any one time.

Note: occupancy limits include the resident and their guest(s)/visitor(s).