The Andrew Bodenrader Center for Academic Writing and Composition
Welcome to the Writing Center!
The Writing Center’s mission is to provide Manhattanville students with support at any stage of the writing process in an environment that is inclusive of all learners. We strive to build the confidence of student writers through encouraging, collaborative one-to-one sessions with peer tutors, graduate Writing Center Fellows, and Academic Writing faculty. Overall, we help students develop as writers and learn writing skills and strategies that will help them succeed at the college level and beyond. In addition, we are committed to providing valuable work and teaching experience to our peer tutors and graduate fellows, as well as promoting and supporting student research in writing studies.
Fall 2024 Hours*
Monday-Thursday 10 AM-9 PM
Friday 10 AM-2 PM
*When the Writing Center is closed, please visit NetTutor for writing assistance!
Tutoring Appointments
Please select this option if you would like to meet with a peer or professional writing tutor for a 45-minute in-person session in the Writing Center. All documents will be shared virtually (if you do not have a laptop, we can provide one).
Please select this option if you would like to meet with a peer or professional writing tutor for a 45-minute videoconference. All meetings will take place in MS Teams, an online collaborative platform, and will require the use of a webcam, microphone, and screen sharing.
Please select this option if you would like a peer or professional writing tutor to review your writing and provide written feedback via email. You will need to select a time for your email review, but you will not need to be present virtually at the time of your appointment.
We both offer in-person and virtual drop-in tutoring! Please note that these sessions are limited to 20-minutes during high traffic times. You will need to download MS Teams in order to join a virtual drop-in session.
Please select this option if you speak English as an Additional Language and would like tutoring in written and oral communication skills. You can also email our Learning Specialist, Prof. Peter Shaker, at peter.shaker@mville.edu to set up an appointment.

Group Workshops and Events
What to Expect at The Writing Center

- Try to proofread your work before uploading it to the appointment form
Be prepared for online synchronous virtual sessions ahead of time (be sure you have a strong WiFi connection, webcam, and headphones, and have downloaded MS Teams)
Come to in-person and online synchronous sessions prepared with questions (or submit these questions along with your paper for asynchronous sessions)
Please note that writing tutors will work with you on one assignment per session. After completing the session, please spend an equal amount of time working on the piece before making another appointment.
Be mindful of the comments you have received, and please make these revisions before scheduling another tutoring appointment
- Please note that tutors do not copy edit papers; they will provide in-text feedback and links to resources by using comment boxes in the margins.
- If your assignment is longer than 15 pages, you will need to schedule more than one appointment!
We look forward to working with you!
How to Become a Peer Writing Tutor
Required Courses and Training
Fall Semester: ENC 3006: Theories of Teaching and Tutoring Writing (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the academic fields of writing studies and writing center studies. These research-based, interdisciplinary fields focus on analyzing the production, consumption, circulation, teaching, and tutoring of writing in various contexts. By exploring and discussing both foundational and recent scholarship in these fields, students will learn about the theories and philosophies behind best teaching and tutoring practices. Subtopics explored in the course include cultural, linguistic, and dialect awareness, genre studies, multiliteracies, multimodal composition, anti-racism, dis/ability and accessibility, and learning transfer. Additionally, the course introduces students to the various research methods used in writing studies, including field observation and interviews. In class, we will examine groups of readings, consider the issues and debates suggested by those readings, and reflect on their significance for writers, tutors, and teachers. Students will build a multimodal ePortfolio to document their learning, including weekly reading responses, a rhetorical and genre analysis of a previous writing experience, an analysis of their writing process, a tutoring observation essay, a group multimodal presentation, and a tutoring and teaching philosophy.
Spring Semester: ENC 4007: Practicum in Teaching and Tutoring Writing (1 credit)
This course focuses on approaches to working with student writers in both face-to-face and online learning environments, including the first-year writing classroom and writing center. Through writing and responding, engaging in role-playing, observations, tutoring sessions, workshops, and mini-lessons, students will learn the ways in which varied theoretical perspectives can be translated into practice. Undergraduate students will gain hands-on experience by first shadowing peer tutors and reflecting on these observations, then tutoring one-to-one in the Writing Center. Graduate students will observe University Writing classes and reflect on these observations, then plan and execute writing workshops and mini-lessons in the writing center and first-year writing classroom. All students will be required to keep a log of their tutoring and teaching observations and sessions and attend monthly Writing Center staff meetings. Both undergraduate and graduate students will also be required to research and read a variety of theoretical texts and develop an ePortfolio in which they reflect upon their tutoring and teaching experiences and the relationship between theory and practice.
Donate to the Andrew Bodenrader Fund

The Andrew Bodenrader Center for Academic Writing and Composition
Frequently Asked Questions
Asynchronous tutoring is when a student receives written feedback through email. This is for someone who feels uncomfortable joining an audio/video call, has a technology barrier, is unavailable to meet synchronously, or simply prefers written feedback to oral feedback. It does however, require you to have access to your email and requires you to check your email to be sure you have received your comments and feedback. You might not want to choose this option if you have already received written feedback from your instructor or another tutor, or have real- time questions you would want to ask the tutor during your session.
Synchronous tutoring is when a student has a virtual meeting through MS teams. This is for someone who would feel more comfortable addressing questions and concerns they may have during a real-time audio/video chat with a tutor. Tutors will use screen share to go over your writing project with you. Although we do not require you to turn on your camera during a session, it is still important that you have functioning internet service, a computer with audio and video capabilities and headphones. Please note that you will need to download MS Teams prior to your appointment.
(914) 323-5474 Library 122 Contact Us
Instagram: @abcmville
Carleigh Brower, Director