Historical Studies
Historical Studies Program Overview
The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Historical Studies degree program at Manhattanville explores the essence of humanity through the study of societies, cultures, religions, traditions, and systems of power with an emphasis on the practical application of this knowledge in real-world careers and situations.
Many of our historical studies majors have gone on to graduate school or pursued careers in business, journalism, law, education, public policy, historic preservation, museum work, archival research, nonprofit management, government, filmmaking, and beyond.
Our BA in Historical Studies program is designed for inquisitive minds eager to delve into historical analysis, critical thinking, and research — essential skills for a multitude of career paths. Discover the tapestry of human experience and develop a robust understanding of the events and forces that have shaped our world.
The Bachelor of Arts in Historical Studies program teaches fundamental concepts of world history and dives into knowledge of various regional histories and specialties like African American history and women and gender history. The program culminates in upper-level seminars that enhance academic writing and presentation skills.
Requirements for the bachelor’s degree in historical studies include:
- First-Year Program and general education courses
- Ten courses in core world history and regional studies courses
- Senior Evaluation Project
- Electives to complete Bachelor of Arts requirements
As part of their Senior Evaluation Project, senior historical studies majors gain experience in developing a research project from ideation to completion as if preparing research for publication. This process includes participation in a research colloquium or workshop.
Review requirements for the bachelor’s in historical studies program.
Core Courses
World History I: Before 1500, World History II: Since 1500, one course from three of our five regional areas of focus: Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, or North America, and the Senior Colloquium.
Elective Courses:
Four courses in any of the five regions.
Social Studies Education Track
For those interested in teaching history and social studies in middle and high schools, our historical studies major’s social studies education concentration seamlessly pairs with Manhattanville's adolesence education major, leading to New York State initial teacher certification in social studies.
Requirements for this track include six additional courses using elective credits.
Internship and In-Person Experience
Manhattanville offers historical studies majors the opportunity to pursue both an independent study project and an internship project using elective credits. Whether you aspire to work in a public office conducting research and project management skills or develop a research plan of your own with the guidance of a faculty mentor to delve into a subfield that interests you, this program provides you with practical experience to start your career in history.
Explore internships and experiential learning at Mville.
Prepare for History Careers
Manhattanville's bachelor's degree program in historical studies presents students with a rich learning experience, preparing them for a diverse job outlook.
Historical Studies majors learn multiple perspectives and key research and analysis skills that prepare students for entry-level roles as assistants or associates in archive settings, educational institutions, museums, and local or national government agencies. A historical studies major also empowers students to work in public history, writing and publishing, and even film and media.
With the well-rounded skills developed in regional and global history courses and Manhattanville’s general liberal arts education, graduates of the BA in Historical Studies can also bring informed historical perspectives into the marketing, social media, or business development side of organizations focused on the humanities.
Enter Graduate Studies Confidently
A bachelor's degree in historical studies is a common starting point for students pursuing graduate-level education in various fields inside humanities, law, public administration, and more.
Manhattanville's historical studies major program reflects an excellent choice for those looking to apply for graduate programs in history, religion, art history, literature, law, business, or another area. Focus on a specific region or comparative studies, or prepare for higher-level positions such as archivist, museum or archive director, or consultant.
Our academic advisors ensure that history and elective courses lay the groundwork for entering advanced fields, while our career services offer résumé and application assistance. Additionally, our faculty commits themselves to their students’ successes and often contribute letters of recommendation to graduate school applications.
Salary and Outlook for Historical Studies Majors
Salaries for individuals with historical studies degrees can vary based on years of work experience, location, and other factors. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals with history degrees earn a median annual salary of $63,000. Compensation can increase if one becomes a program or team manager or organizational director or pursues a career in in-demand fields such as law or business, which benefit from a robust knowledge of societal and cultural developments.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics also predicts a 10% increase in job opportunities for archivists, curators, and museum workers from 2022-2032, much faster than the average rate of growth for all occupations.
Mohamed Mbodj, PhD (Paris) – African and African American Studies, Islam
Gregory Swedberg, PhD (Rutgers) – Latin American, the Caribbean, women and gender
History Minor
Opting for a history minor along a different Manhattanville major can further critical thinking skills and foundational knowledge in connecting the past to the present, no matter the field or career path.
Review requirements for minoring in history.
Related Programs
Whether you want to broaden your horizons with a double major or discover other degrees preparing you for a dynamic, interconnected world, Manhattanville offers programs that develop useful professional skill sets and trace historical concepts.
Explore Manhattanville’s majors and minors in related areas:
- English (BA, Minor)
- Global Justice and Human Rights (BA, Minor)
- Political Science (BA, Minor)
- Sociology (BA, Minor)
We even offer a program for a self-designed major topic, combining two major areas into a field of study you define.
If you are poised to explore the complexities of the past and ready to shape the narrative of the future, we welcome you to apply to become a historical studies major at Manhattanville.
To get started, review undergraduate admissions information, including deadlines. Then, learn about costs, scholarships, and aid.
Contact a member of the Admissions team with any questions.
Apply to the BA in Historical Studies at Manhattanville University
At Manhattanville, our Bachelor of Arts in Historical Studies program offers more than just memorization of dates and battles. Gain a deeper understanding of cultures and societies and develop analytical skills that lead you to success in any career.
Plan a visit to our beautiful New York campus or request more information today. Or, begin your Manhattanville application.