EmpowerEdD Leadership Donors and Honorees
Thank You
To the many donors who have generously donated to EmpowerEdD Leadership with their contribution to the Doctoral Program
Dulce and Jeremy Barker
Katherine M. Barpoulis
Breana Bayraktar
Nicole Bernini-Schimpf
Lenora Boehlert
Linda Bradt
Nora Broege
Martin Brooks
Gregory S. Brown
Stephen Caldas
Toni Ann A. Carey
Dissertation Completion Pathway Online Cohort 2
Andrew J. Ecker
Stacy Fertile
Ryan Fisk
Martin and Terin Fitzgerald
Renee Gargano
Graduating Class of 2019
Graduating Class of 2022
Jennifer L. Harriton-Wilson
Deborah Heppes
Emily C. Hersh
Sandra K. Intrieri
Susan VanDeventer Iverson
JP Morgan Chase
Katie Kelley
Dawn Lockley
Jessica Maricevic
Joanne Marien
Dominique Mason
Ellen J. McDonnell
Kenneth Mitchell
Robert Monson
J.P. Morgan Chase
Steven C. Moskowitz
O/U BOCES Cohort 1
Shannon O'Grady
Rose Pascal
Andrew Patrick
Joseph J. Phillips
Gina M. Pin
Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill
Monique S. Reilly
Donna Rogalski
Joi Sampson
Jennifer L. Simon
Lisamarie Spindler
Brendalon Staton
Patrick Sullivan
Ivy Tilson-Rentz
Adam VanDerStuyf
Peter Vecchio
Danielle Wachter
Yiping Wan
Amy L. Watkins
Shelley B. Wepner
Gelaine Williams
Tina S. Wilson
The Rockland Community Foundation
Ian Wolf
Wright Risk Management Co.
Deep appreciation to those who have contributed in honor or memory of others
Dr. Lynn Allen
Honored by:
Dr. Tina S. Wilson (2019)
Dr. Vance L. Austin
Honored by:
Dr. Andrew J. Ecker (2016, 2018)
Dr. Stacy Fertile (2022)
Dr. Dulce Barker
Honored by:
Dr. Jennifer Wesolowski (2022)
Mr. John Caldas
Remembered by:
Dr. Stephen Caldas (2015)
Dr. Stephen Caldas
Honored by:
Dr. Jennifer L. Harriton-Wilson (2017)
Dr. Monique S. Reilly (2019)
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Col. John J. Caldas, Jr. (USMC)
Remembered by:
Dr. Stephen Caldas (2018)
Ms. Jacqueline Cinque
Remembered by:
Dr. Emily C. Hersh (2017)
Cohort IV
Honored by:
Dr. Gregory S. Brown (2016)
Dr. Andrew J. Ecker (2019)
Doctoral Program Students
Honored by:
Ms. Renee Gargano (2021)
Doctoral Program Faculty
Honored by:
Ms. Renee Gargano (2021)
Dr. Andrew J. Ecker
Honored by:
Dr. Emily C. Hersh (2017)
Ms. Lynne Spector-Ecker & Hon. Lawrence H. Ecker
Honored by:
Dr. Andrew J. Ecker (2019)
Ms. Dana Fisk
Honored by:
Dr. Ryan Fisk (2017)
Ms. Deborah Forget
Remembered by:
Dr. Amy L. Watkins (2019)
Ms. Patricia Gannon
Honored by:
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Ms. Renee Gargano (2021)
Mr. Alex Gargano
Honored by:
Ms. Renee Gargano (2018)
Ms. June Gargano
Remembered by:
Ms. Renee Gargano, (2015)
Mr. Peter Gargano
Honored by:
Ms. Renee Gargano (2019)
Ms. Renee Gargano
Honored by:
Dr. Andrew J. Ecker (2016, 2021)
Ms. Katherine M. Barpoulis (2021)
O/U BOCES Cohort 1 (2021)
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Dr. Donna Rogalski (2021)
Ms. Brendalon Staton (2021)
Ms. Gelaine Williams (2021)
Dr. Jennifer Wesolowski (2022)
Ms. Lynda Hanley
Honored by:
Dr. Andrew Ecker (2017, 2021)
Ms. Renee Gargano (2021)
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Ms. Rose Pascal (2021)
Dr. Donna Rogalski (2021)
Ms. Gelaine Williams (2021)
Dr. Emily C. Hersh
Honored by:
Dr. Andrew Ecker (2016)
Dr. Susan Iverson
Honored by:
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Ms. Renee Gargano and Mr. Irwin Weinrauch (2021)
Dr. Donna Rogalski (2021)
Dr. Jennifer Wesolowski (2022)
Dr. Stacy Fertile (2022)
Dr. Joann Marien
Honored by:
Dr. Tina S. Wilson, (2019)
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Dr. Jennifer Wesolowski, (2022)
Ms. Dominique Mason
Honored by:
Ms. Renee Gargano (2021)
Ms. Bernadette Kilgallen Massa
Honored by:
Dr. Shannon O'Grady (2019)
Dr. Micheline Malow
Honored by:
Dr. Andrew J. Ecker (2018)
Dr. Kenneth Mitchell
Honored by:
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Dr. Tina S. Wilson (2019)
Dr. Robert Monson
Honored by:
Dr. Donna Rogalski (2021)
Dr. Lisamarie Spindler (2017)
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Robert Monson (Father)
Remembered by:
Dr. Robert Monson (2018)
Dr. Joseph Phillips
Honored by:
Graduating Class of 2019 (2019)
Ms. Linda Putorti
Honored by:
Ms. Renée Gargano (2021)
Ms. Annette Reaves
Remembered by:
Dr. Ivy Tilson-Rentz (2019)
Ms. Beatriz Rudecindo
Honored by:
Ms. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill (2022)
Ms. Alicia Isolina Schimpf
Honored by:
Dr. Nicole Bernini-Schimpf (2019)
Ms. Danielle Trippodo
Honored by:
Dr. Patrick Sullivan (2019)
Dr. Peter Troiano
Honored by:
Dissertation Completion Pathway Online Cohort 2 (2022)
Dr. Shelley B. Wepner
Honored by:
Renée Gargano (2021)
Ms. Linbao Wan
Honored by:
Dr. Yiping Wan (2015)
Mr. Irwin Weinrauch
Remembered by:
Dr. Nora Broege
Dr. Stephen Caldas
Ms. Mary Fox-Alter
Dr. Susan VanDeventer Iverson
Dr. Joanne Marien
Ms. Dominique Mason
Dr. Kenneth Mitchell
Dr. Robert Monson
Dr. Joe Phillips
Dr. Peter Troiano
Ms. Danielle Wachter
Dr. Yiping Wan
Judith Johnson Memorial Award
Drs. Dulce and Jeremy Barker (2022)
Dr. Martin and Terin Fitzgerald (2021 & 2022)
Ms. Dawn Lockley, in honor of Sister, Judith Johnson (2021)
Ms. Dominique Mason (2021)
Dr. Kenneth Mitchell (2021)
The Rockland Community Foundation (2021)
Ms. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill
In honor of Beatriz Rudecindo (2022)
Ethel Kennedy Award for Human Rights Leadership
Dr. Dulce and Dr. Jeremy Barker (2022)
Dr. Joanne Marien (2021)
Ms. Dominique Mason (2021)
Dr. Jennifer Wesolowski (2022)
In honor of Dr. Joanne Marien
Contact Us to Volunteer or Make a Contribution
Dr. Martin Fitzgerald, Assistant Director of the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership
Martin.Fitzgerald@mville.edu(914) 323-3214