CTLS conference room

Office of Instructional Technology

Instructional Technology

Enhance the teaching and learning experience via an array of tools that allow faculty and students to collaborate, create, and communicate.  Discover strategies in course design, discuss student assessment options, and explore how to engage students through multimedia, and discussions. 

The Office of Instructional Technology promotes the effective and purposeful use of instructional technology via faculty education, support, and advisement.  It ensures the pedagogical quality of our in-person and online courses by increasing awareness of and appreciation for strong instructional design resulting in student satisfaction and success, emphasizing accessibility and inclusivity.  If you have questions or need help with Manhattanville’s teaching technology solutions, the Office of Instructional Technology is ready to assist.  

Manhattanville is transitioning from Blackboard to Brightspace!

This move presents an opportunity to provide both faculty and students increased flexibility and access in teaching and learning.  We realize there are questions about the transition, training, and support, and have developed this page as a central location for information.

Visit our Brightspace Orientation and Resources page for information and training.


Specialized Support

Bancha Srikacha and Rob Garfield are eager to support you in on-campus classes as well as online and hybrid course design. Both Rob and Bancha are available for support on the topics such as student assessment (e.g., discussion forums, assignments, tests, rubrics, grades), group projects, online course design, and any topic surrounding the purposeful use of technology in teaching and learning. 
Bancha Srikacha
Instructional Technologist

Bancha Srikacha

  • Course readiness - Your plan in the event of either faculty or student absences, or other emergencies (e.g., weather, illness, travel, etc.).  
  • Universal design for learning – A framework for designing teaching and learning spaces that meet the needs of all students.    
  • Online teaching professional development.  


Rob Garfield
Instructional Designer

Rob Garfield

  •  Instructional uses of Brightspace. 
  • Creating and using open educational resources. 

  • Increasing student engagement in your courses. 

  • Building academic integrity in your assignments and courses. 

  • Experiential learning.  



You may reserve the ePortfolio Lab, or the Conference Room at the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship via Manhattanville’s Conference Services Platform AdAstra. 

For quick self-help with commonly asked questions about our course management system, Blackboard, or our ePortfolio platform, Digication, please visit: 




Organize and deliver course materials 



Attach file, Create Item, Create Content Area 

ePortfolio, Courses, Add Template to Course 




Share files 



Office 365 

Attach File, Create File Item 

Attach File 

OneDrive, Share File 

Share videos 



Embed Media 

Video Module, Embed Media 




Discussion, Blog 

Comments, Discussion, Conversations 

Reflective writing 





Text chat 

Office 365 

Outlook (Skype for Business) 

Web conferencing 

Blackboard (Classes) 

Skype for Business (w/in Manhattanville) 

Collaborate Ultra 

Video Call 






Collaborative editing 

Office 365 
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 

Sharing Options 




Desktop publishing 
(Documents, newsletters, other publications) 

MS Word 

MS Publisher 

Office 365 Word 

Location: All public PCs on campus 

Surveys and forms 

Office 365 


Graphics production 

Adobe Creative Suite 

Brownson Wing 001, Berman 001, 005 

Video production 


Library, Second floor 

Statistical analysis 

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 

Location: All public PCs on campus 



Schedule appointments, track student progress, offer kudos; log in via Blackboard 

Contact the Manhattanville Help Desk for issues including: 

  • Technology is not working as expected (e.g. files not uploading, login not working, materials not displaying, etc.) 
  • Problems with in-class technology such as computers, interactive whiteboards, projectors, etc. 
  • Help with Digication courses (creating them for a class, enrolling students, merging two sections of a course, etc.) 
  • Tech problems that occur outside of regular business hours 

The Office of the Registrar can assist with administrative questions or issues about Blackboard sites, such as: 

  • Students or faculty not appearing as expected 
  • Adding students, mentors, supplemental instructors, etc., to a site 
  • Changing roles for yourself or a student in a site 

Contact the Director of Student Success Initiatives with questions about Retention Alert within ServiceHub, our student support and engagement tool, including: 

  • Accessing and viewing Retention Alert (if you have trouble logging in or do not see your expected students/courses) 
  • Tracking items: how to raise a flag, kudos, etc. 
  • Features of Retention Alert: setting up office hours, scheduling appointments, recording attendance, etc. 



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