Professional Development Schools
Professional Development Schools - Overview
What is a Professional Development School?
A PDS is a school that partners with a university to prepare teacher candidates, provide faculty development, improve instructional practices, and enhance student learning. The Manhattanville University School of Education has 10 schools in five school districts.
Please submit a request to a PDS liaison for field hours in a timely manner.
Professional Development Schools and Liaisons
Bedford Hills Elementary School, Bedford
Dr. Lauren Raubaugh, PDS Liaison
Bedford Village Elementary School, Bedford
Cheryl Foy, PDS Liaison
Fox Lane Middle School, Bedford
Sally Cavada, PDS Liaison
Mount Kisco Elementary School, Bedford
Cheryl Foy, PDS Liaison
Pound Ridge Elementary School, Bedford
Dr. Lauren Raubaugh, PDS Liaison
West Patent Elementary School, Bedford
Sally Cavada, PDS Liaison
Contact Us
Linda Molloy, Managing Director, Office of Teacher Preparation and Certification