Hispanic Parent Leadership Institute
Our communities and schools are changing.
They’re more diverse than ever — culturally, linguistically, and economically — and the ways we need to educate our children are changing as a result.
How can we better educate students who are culturally and linguistically diverse? How can their parents get a better understanding of the U.S. educational system and become more involved in their children's academic careers? How can schools gain access to the information they need to make informed decisions about their changing student populations, and work together to respond to the challenges they face?
Recent Events

Changing Suburbs Institute® 16th Annual Hispanic Parent Leadership Conference
Workshop Slides:
Past Events and Resources
Comadres y compadres en colaboracion - Viernes, 2 de Diciembre de 2022
con: Elisa Alvarez
Workshop Slides:
Adelante juntos: Continuando la conversación Enfoque en la Educación Especial - 5 de abril de 2022
con: Dra. Dixelia López Directora de Consejería y Desarrollo, Ossining UFSD
Conference Presentation Slides - Adelante Juntos
Conferencia de Liderazgo de Padres Hispanos - 3 de noviembre de 2021
Elisa Alvarez, ComisionadaAsociada
Hispanic Parent Leadership Conference Presentation Slides
Taller Virtual - 3 de mayo del 2021
Conocer sus derechos como padre y cómo comunicarse con su escuela
Presentadores Marcia Soares, especialista en recursos, y Yulissa Gomez, especialista en apoyo al programa
Red Regional de Recursos de Educación Bilingüe de Capital Region
En este taller discutiremos sobre los derechos que usted tiene como padre multilingüe en el estado de Nueva York. También discutiremos de las diferentes formas de comunicación con los maestros de sus hijos. Al final del taller, hablaremos sobre los derechos que le otorga el estado de Nueva York para que sus hijos reciban servicios de educación especial de ser necesario.
Vea la grabación del taller aquí
Taller Virtual - 27 de abril, 2021
Apoyando a nuestros estudiantes con herramientas tecnológicas
presentadora Beverly Guity
Especialista En Recursos, Red Regional de Recursos de Educación Bilingüe de Hudson
Valley Distrito (www.hudsonvalleyrbern.org)
Como padres / cuidadores, somos los primeros y más influyentes maestros en la vida de los niños. Es muy importante que los padres desarrollen y mantengan fuertes vínculos con las escuelas de sus hijos y estén al tanto de los recursos tecnológicos que sus estudiantes pueden usar en casa para mejorar su aprendizaje. En este taller aprenderemos sobre algunos de estos recursos para ayudar y apoyar a nuestros estudiantes.
Vea la grabación del taller aquí
Taller Virtual - 10 de febrero, 2021
Construyendo el amor por la alfabetización en casa
presentadora Madeline Sanchez
Director of Multilingual Programs & World Languages, Peekskill City School District
¡Construir alfabetización en casa puede ser divertido! No requiere herramientas especiales ni actividades específicas. Todo lo que requiere es usted, interactuando y jugando con su hijo/a de maneras que alienten la conversación. En este taller aprenderás métodos para fomentar conversaciones en torno a la alfabetización y estrategias para ayudar a las familias a construir actividades de alfabetización en el hogar.
Vea la grabación del taller aquí
Taller Virtual - 23 de noviembre, 2020
La Escuela en la Casa
presentadora Ximena Navarro-Claros, Distrito Escolar de New Rochelle
Esta presentación le ayudará a que su niño esté mejor preparado desde la casa tanto en las clases de zoom como cuando regrese a la escuela de forma presencial.
Keynote Speakers & Selected Workshops:
Changing Suburbs Institute® Hispanic Parent Leadership Conferences
2019: Dr. Zoila Morell, Associate Professor in Early Childhood and Childhood Education, Lehman College
2018: Martha Lopez, Assistant to the Westchester County Executive for Advocacy and Immigrant Affairs
2018 Special Education Conference: Eliana Fernandez, Former Committee on Special Education Chairperson, White Plains Public School
2017: Carola Otero Bracco, Executive Director, Neighbor's Link
2017 Special Education Conference: Angelica Infante Green, Deputy Commissioner, P-12 Instructional Support, New York State Department of Education
2016: Raymond Sanchez, Superintendent, Ossining Union Free School District
2015: Lisette Colon-Collins, Assistant Commissioner for Bilingual Education and World Languages, New York State Department of Education
2014: Mariela Dabbah, Author and President/CEO of Red Shoe Movement
2013: Carola Bracco, Executive Director of Neighbors Link
2012: David Vallodalid, President of Parents Institute for Quality Education
2011: Zoila Tazi, former principal of Park Early Childhood Center in Ossining and Associate Professor/Chair of Early Childhood, Mercy College
2010: Luisa Liliana Costa, Bank Street College of Education
2009: Ofelia Garcia, Professor of Urban Education, City University of New York
2008: Maria Hinojosa, Award-winning Journalist, Host of Latina USA, and Senior Correspondent for PBS; and Elba Montalvo, Executive Director of the Committee for Hispanic Children and Families, Inc.
2007: David Valladolid, President of Parents Institute for Quality Education; and Andy Spano, Westchester County Executive
Selected General Education Workshops
- Effective Family Communications
- Differentiated Strategies for Help with Homework
- Literacy Needs of Children
- Parents United for Education
- College Access for Our Children
- Helping with Literacy at Home for Teens
- Special and Inclusion Services for Students Learning English
- Supporting Your Child’s Pre-School Education
- Supporting Your Child’s Elementary School Education
- Middle School to High School Transition
- Raising Children: Challenges and Acculturation
- How to Help Students Succeed Academically
- Planning for and Accessibility to College
- Student Loan Workshop
Selected Special Education Workshops
How to Become Your Own Child’s Advocate: Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities
Special Education 101: Understanding the System and Your Role as a Parent
Understanding an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Your Role in Making this a Meaningful Document for Your Child
Understanding Special Education Classifications and Who is Responsible for Determining Them
Everyday Literacy
Differences between Language Development and Learning Difficulties
Implications of Special Education Classifications for the Future of Your Child
Effective Discipline
Activities that Support Academic Concepts
What You Can Do at Home to Help Your Child: Everyday Skills for Educational Purposes
Helping Your Child with Special Needs Succeed in School
Helping Your Special Education Child to Have Social and Academic Success
Navigating American Schools When a Child Needs More Time, Practice and Support
Special Services and Inclusion for English Language Learner Students in the Schools
Upcoming Events