Manhattanville News

Dr. Burgos, Professor of History and Chair of the Department of History at the University of Illinois
June 11
PURCHASE, NY – Manhattanville University’s Sport Studies Program announced its first Speaker in Residence for its National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) funded project “Sport Studies in the 21st Century: Amplifying the Latinx Experience in Curricula, Conversation, and Community,” Adrian Burgos, Jr., Ph.D., He will be in residence in October 2024, with his marquee public lecture taking place on October 21 at 6pm (details to follow).
Students sitting under trees on campus at Manhattanville
April 29
"Manhattanville University is deeply honored to be given the awesome responsibility to support the Wells College community during this difficult time of transition,” said Frank Sánchez, Ph.D., president of Manhattanville University. “We are committed to making this transition seamless and successful, upholding Wells College's name and cherished traditions. Our commitment is not only to continuity but also to the advancement of a shared heritage that has long been dedicated to the empowerment of students."